The Mark of the Beast - Technology

The concept of the Mark of the Beast is one that is the embodiment of the New World Order, and its absolute control over the individual and groups of individuals. This Mark is one that will allow, those who've taken it, to buy and sell in the "New World". Those who don't have the Mark, won't be allowed to buy and sell. The technological form of this Mark would be one that requires the Marked to hand over all of their personal information, so that they could show a "proof of work", thus guaranteeing that they are working to benefit the Beast. This Mark would be one that collects information such as: Medical (Hereditary diseases, Genetic weaknesses), Work (Who you work for, who you work with, how much you make), Home (Where you live, who lives with you, your schedule and habits), and much much more. This is the link to the very first version that will be used as the Mark:;jsessionid=5786DEF6BB833E4EB05...