


Kevin Spacey

Kevin spacey is know for his various movie roles. In one of the movies, American Beauty, where Kevin Spacey's character gets sexually drawn to an underaged High Schooler. Kevin Spacey is now known as a pedophile. Here is a clip from American Dad, where the writers knew before the public, that Kevin Spacey was a pedophile and kept kids in his basement. And here are some photos showing who his allegiance  belongs [To Be Updated].

(((Ben Stiller)))

the Vow of Silence symbol One Eyed Symbol, combined with a Pyramid of the fingers the symbol called Mark Master Mason Pyramid with the hands Second Veil symbol

(((Adam Sandler)))

(((Adam Sandler))) is known for being a comedic in his various movies. In his movies, he will often use his buddies (who are also actors) to play as the stereotypical White Hicks, White morons or in general stupid White guys. Below will be a list of his movies in which he pushes various types of propaganda for (((Hollywood))) [Will be updated]: Movie 1: "Little Nicky": Released in 2000. Movie depicts Satan's youngest son (The Anti-Christ) as a likable character who must stop his older brothers from keeping Hell being shut for good. Also depicts Nicky (Anti-Christ) as being part Angel as well as part Demon/Satan. Blasphemous movie. Propaganda to get the viewer to identify with Little Nicky (Anti-Christ) or to 'feel for him'. And here are some photos of (((Adam Sandler))) using the same symbols his "Brothers" use. [Will be updated]

Swiftly going to Hell

Taylor Swift is a popular singer, "song-writer" and musician. Her start to fame was with country-esque songs, which eventually developed into the tired and played out feminist music genre. Below are some examples of this tragic conversion. Video 1: "Lover": Released August 22 2019; Depicts Taylor Swift race-mixing with a nigger. A Race-mixing Propaganda video. Link: Video 2: "You Need To Calm Down: Released June 17 2019; Depicts a Pro-LGBT Homosexual Taylor swift, in a Pro-LGBT trailor park. Also depicts White Christians as hateful, stupid, and bible-thumpers. Entire video is a propaganda video to get the viewer to be Pro-Faggot. Link: Video 3: "The Man": Released February 27 2020; Depicts White Men running companies, treating women like playthings for the office. Also depicts men being rude or outright assholes for no reason, unrealistically. Video ...

Protection Through Silence Symbolism

In Freemasonry, silence is the best and most used form of protection for the "Brothers". Silence can never be broken, lest blood is spilt. The Symbol is plainly simple to see. Is is when a person in some position of authority (Government, Media, Military, Entertainment, Education, etc) cover their lips/mouth with a finger while looking at the camera or its direction.